Families Accuse Biden and Harris of Ignoring Tragic Losses in Afghanistan Withdrawal


Relatives of the 13 U.S. service members killed during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021 are speaking out, revealing that neither President Joe Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris have reached out to them personally since the tragedy. This revelation comes as the Biden administration faces mounting criticism for its handling of the withdrawal, which many have condemned as chaotic and poorly executed.

The families of the fallen soldiers, who were among the last to die in America’s longest war, expressed deep disappointment and anger at the lack of acknowledgment from the highest levels of government. Speaking to the media, several family members described feeling abandoned and disregarded by the very officials responsible for overseeing the withdrawal. “They never once reached out to us,” one grieving relative stated. “It’s like they just don’t care.”

The withdrawal, which culminated in the horrific bombing at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport, resulted in the deaths of 11 Marines, one Navy corpsman, and one Army soldier. The suicide bombing, carried out by ISIS-K, also left dozens of Afghans dead and many more wounded, marking a grim end to the U.S. military presence in the region.

Family members have shared harrowing stories of how they learned about the deaths of their loved ones, often through impersonal means such as a knock on the door by a military official. The absence of any personal contact from the president or vice president has only compounded their grief. Many had hoped that the administration would take responsibility and reach out, but as time has passed, that hope has turned into frustration.

This perceived neglect has reignited criticism of the administration’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. The chaotic scenes of Afghans clinging to planes, desperate to escape Taliban rule, and the subsequent attack that took the lives of U.S. service members have been seared into the national memory. Critics argue that the Biden administration failed to plan adequately for a safe and orderly exit, putting both American troops and Afghan allies in danger.

The lack of outreach from Biden and Harris has not gone unnoticed in political circles. Conservative commentators and politicians have seized on the families’ statements, accusing the administration of showing a lack of empathy and respect for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Some have even called for congressional investigations into the withdrawal, demanding answers and accountability from the administration.

In response to the outcry, White House officials have pointed to the president’s public remarks and moments of silence held in honor of the fallen as evidence of his respect and mourning. However, these gestures have done little to assuage the anger of the families who feel personally slighted. “Words are just words,” one family member said. “We needed them to show they cared, not just say it in a speech.”

The situation has also drawn comparisons to previous administrations, with some noting that both Republican and Democratic presidents have historically made efforts to reach out to the families of fallen soldiers. The failure to do so in this case is seen by many as a significant departure from that tradition.


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